Kamis, 17 November 2016

Karaoke song of choice

Hi friends, how are you today? I hope all my friends are fine. This time I will discuss about the songs of my choice.
I honestly do not like to sing because I lacked confidence and also because my voice is not good. but still there is a song of my choice, I like the songs of Iwan Fals and of all the songs Iwan Fals my song choice was "bento". Bento song is simple but has a very deep meaning, tells the story of a businessman who is arrogant, rich and cruel, got home real estate. The lyrics of the song bento:

Namaku Bento, rumah real estate
Mobilku banyak, harta melimpah
Orang memanggilku, bos eksekutif
Tokoh papan atas, atas sgalanya, asik!

Wajahku ganteng, banyak simpanan
Sekali lirik, oh bisa jalan
Bisnisku menjagal, jagal apa saja
yang penting aku senang, aku menang
Persetan orang susah, karena aku
Yang penting asik, sekali lagi, asik!

Obral soal moral, omong keadilan, sarapan pagiku
Aksi tipu-tipu, lobi dan upeti, woo jagonya
Maling kelas teri, bandit kelas coro, itu kantong sampah
Siapa yang mau berguru, datang padaku, sebut 3 kali namaku
Bento bento bento.. asik..

when I sang my bento as a wealthy businessman but that does not mean I was so arrogant and nasty, I just go into character bento while singing so when he's singing like screams and pounding while singing. That's my choice while singing songs. Thanks for reading my post, I'll see you in my next post ...

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